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Unleash your inner mathlete with UCB Math Olympiad 2024

Country’s pioneering international education provider Universal College Bangladesh (UCB) has called all mathematics enthusiasts to participate in their upcoming event – UCB Math Olympiad 2024.

The exciting olympiad for the ‘mathletes’ will take place on May 11, 2024, at the UCB campus, where HSC, A Levels, and O Levels students can participate and compete to be the best with numbers and formulas, reads a press release.

The UCB Math Olympiad 2024 has been designed to pave the path for math aficionados to get inspired for higher-level academic success. It will help students gain the confidence to solve tricky problems under time restraints. The contest will be in the form of a written exam, and the question sets will vary for each segment of HSC, A Level, and O Level.

Winners of the UCB Math Olympiad 2024 will receive a total worth of BDT 1 lakh prize money. Besides, the recognition and rewards gained through the olympiad will surely be advantageous for the youth while building strong academic profiles.

Registration for the contest is open till May 05, 2024, 4:00 PM.


Published in: Tbsnews

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